
6 Rules To Help You On Your Pole Fitness Journey

My aerials journey began in 2020 when I joined a friend at a pole fitness class at an area studio (a different one from Royal City Aerials). We had unknowingly jumped right into a beginner-intermediate pole dance class. The 1-hour class went by like a blur. I remember how I felt afterward: incredibly sore, winded, banged-up, bruised, and utterly humbled,

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Pole Gave Fitness a New Meaning to Me

When I started out doing pole it quickly became one of my favorite things to do. I learned a lot really quickly and began to progress. It made me feel strong, sexy and talented. Every class presented new challenges and goals to accomplish. I was obsessed. At the same time, I had been going to the gym and had even

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Pole: A Transformative Experience

I took my first pole class at Royal City Aerials without really knowing anything about it. I just had the idea that maybe it would be fun to try something new. Little did I know it would change so many things in my life for the better. As soon as I arrived at my first class I was pleasantly surprised.

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Feeling intimidated?…first time?

Focus on the things you can control: like your attitude! You may not be able to nail an iron X, but can you enter the class from a place of excitement, enthusiasm, kindness, or a growth mindset? You’re already crushing it. Everyone is so focused on their own concerns/journey that no one has the time or energy to be checking

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What the aerial community has taught me about failure

By Meghan Sterling I’ve been thinking a lot about aerial arts lately. It’s the thing I miss most from the before times. The thing is, my primary discipline is pole, and I have a home pole. It’s not totally the same, but I can still practice a lot of the things I’m comfortable with, so what do I miss so

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Pole Goals

As the New Year begins, we all like to set goals for the upcoming year, and pole dancers are not an exception. Pole dancers are probably even more determined to achieve specific results, both in tricks and flexibility. Until our Pole Goals board fills up with “Ayesha”, “Iron-X” and “Oversplits”, I would like to give a reminder of a simple

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What every pole dancer should know

Intro. The blog you are about to read is very truthful and the intent of it is to show a bigger picture to everyone who is interested in doing pole as a hobby and recreational activity. I want everyone to understand that some factors will influence your pole journey more than others, and your success is in your own hands.

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Pole Plateau

Most pole dancers, and athletes in general, are familiar with the stage of stagnation when progress seems to have stopped. This period of stagnation is called a plateau. A plateau is a natural and unavoidable stage of development for any activity. A PLATEAU IS A NORMAL THING. It is a period when no VISUAL results are seen. Your body is

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So you’ve booked your first aerial photoshoot…now what?

Your first photoshoot can be intimidating – it’s hard to know what to expect! Here are some of our fave tips for having a great shoot. PLAN YOUR TRICKS IN ADVANCE Come prepared with a prioritized list of poses and tricks, with on-apparatus tricks broken up with off-apparatus poses so you can recover. Tricks should be ones you can reliably

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Choose Your Own Pole Adventure

I started pole for the same reason many women start: I was going through a breakup. In October 2021, after two years of the Pandemic followed by the end of a long-term relationship, I had lost my spark. I wanted to feel confident and sexy, and pole embodied exactly that. I’d never tried pole before, but a quick search of

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