Effortless Spin Tricks & Technique (75 mins 10-11:15 AM): In this spin pole workshop, you’ll build up to a spinning trick combo with tips and technique on how to make your movements look sensual, sultry, and effortless. You’ll learn how to create smooth and fluid transitions, finesse your lines, and dive into a deeper sense of embodiment as you explore the subtle details within every trick and transition.

Pre-reqs:  outside and inside leg hang and straddle invert

fEMBODY Flow (90 mins 11:30 AM – 1 PM): A sensual heels choreography workshop designed to help you EMBODY YOUR FEMININITY. This workshop will take you through an exotic-style choreography featuring elements you may find in the old school and flow styles. Throughout this workshop, you’ll be given cues that will encourage you to explore your own feminine expression, connection, and embodiment.


Pre-reqs: Level: experienced beginner and up – have taken some choreo classes before and have a basic understanding of it.